Sunday, January 13, 2013

Intro to Understanding

A fresh semester is underway and the start of media studies has begun. Starting off this course I took a look at the syllabus and carefully read and dissect it. The syllabus doesn't give the quick overview that other do and definitely doesn't leave any grey areas in the course. The document is broken down into five chapters with each outlining what's expected, why it's expected, and how to start your journey to accomplish the goals of the course.
In the first chapter I liked how the course is broken down into nine objectives. Out of these nine two of them really stood out to me, semiotics or the study or signs, and hermeneutics or the study of interpretation. The second chapter not only does it do a good job of establishing good tactics for successful blogs but it also touched on podcasts which I believe are great tools like blogs. Up to this point the syllabus presented the objectives and a deeper understanding of a great tool to use to create written content to use later in life. The third chapter focuses on critical thinking and new technology which I found to be a breath of fresh air with how thorough the document was in what the departments expectations are for the use of technology and creating a skill set that can be used to solve problems through analytical skills etc. In the second to last chapter the visions and values of the course are examined which helps understand how the department is going to help myself and other students get ready for the job market and succeed after life. In the final chapter "LEAP" is discussed which is shepherds version of the "no child left behind act." Reading about "LEAP" was interesting seeing the various goals ranging from quantitative literacy to collaboration/teamwork.
This syllabus was awesome, it was very well though out and thorough. It not just raised what was expected of but what skills will be worked on to help one accomplish these things.
The syllabus can be found at in his Comm 403 syllabus tab.

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